We hold alongside parents the responsibility of guiding the children through the new technologies they may encounter. Keeping safe online is a priority of this technology and through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities we cover different aspects of this.
It is important to understand how not to become a victim, also not to be the perpetrator, to understand the social and legal implications of these actions.
Access to social media and suitable age-related films and material are areas that can cause mental and wellbeing issues amongst children and we spend a lot of time explaining that parents should keep parental controls on all devices and know what their children are accessing. We work in partnership with parents to advise them and also to alert them if there issues that arise at school.
The school operates an online filtering system called SOPHOS, this sends alerts to the Headteacher when someone has tried to access unsuitable materials through search engines or other means. We will then track this down and alert parents if necessary and put further protective measures in place if necessary.
At Phoenix we are committed to supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers). We recognise that mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important to our lives as physical health.
We endeavor to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress. We aim to ensure that they are supported to reach their potential or access help when they need it. We also have a role in ensuring that children learn about: what they can do to maintain positive mental health; what affects their mental health; how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and where they can go if they need help or support.
At Phoenix we have a designated leader for mental health:
Phoenix Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader: Mr P.Sears
Deputy Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader: Miss C.Beer
Mental Health and Wellbeing Trustee: Mr B.Streets
At Phoenix we take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health, aiming to help children become more resilient, happy and successful and to work in a pro-active way to avoid problems arising. We do this by:
Creating and applying consistent ethos, policies and behaviours that support mental health and resilience, and which everyone understands.
Helping children to develop social relationships, support each other and seek help when they need it.
Reinforcing Values Based Education throughout the curriculum and across the school.
Teaching Mindfulness and methods of personal control.
Bringing in aspects of ‘The Inner Curriculum’ Dr Neil Hawkes into PSHRE.
Promoting self-esteem and ensuring children understand their importance in the World.
Helping children to be resilient learners and to manage setbacks.
Teaching children social and emotional skills and an awareness of mental health.
Identifying children who have mental health challenges and planning support to meet their needs, including working with specialist services, parents and carers.
Supporting and training staff to develop their skills and their own resilience.
Developing an open culture where it’s normal to talk about mental health.
Additional support may be required when identified and brought to the Pastoral Team. This can include the following interventions by;
The Class Teacher/Teaching Support
The Family Liaison Officer
The Pupil Well Being practitioner
The NELFT in school Wellbeing
The School Counsellor
Parents or carers should approach their child/children’s class teacher if they have any mental health concerns. This will be cascaded to the Mental Health Leader for assessment. In addition to offering universal support within school, we may also discuss with you additional support mechanisms available to you from the following agencies:
• School Nursing Service (Interactive website for children and parents)
• Small Steps
• CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
• School Family Worker
• Play Therapy
Online resources to support Mental Health and Wellbeing can be found on the following websites: