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At Phoenix Primary School, we believe children learn better within the context of a home-school relationship built on a respectful, open and honest relationship. Our expectations are reflected in our school values that were chosen and are reviewed regularly by the school, children and parents in partnership.


Key messages in terms of the expectations of this relationship are captured in our Home School Agreement which we ask all parents to sign at the outset of their relationship with our school.




  • Support the Values of the School and the teaching of them.

  • See that my child attends school regularly, on time, properly equipped. 

  • Support and work with you to ensure that the behaviour management policies of the school are maintained, particularly with my child.

  • Will not enter the school building without permission and sign in at Reception.

  • Speak to school staff courteously and patiently.

  • Ensure that the school always holds up to date contact information for your child.

  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.

  • Ensure that my child wears full, correct school uniform (including school shoes) and has appropriate PE kit in school every day.

  • Only take holidays during school holiday periods whenever possible.

  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour, including the Code of Conduct.

  • Support my child with homework and remote learning provided as home learning or during school closures.

  • Attend parents’ evenings and parents’ open afternoons to discuss my child’s progress in school.

  • Wherever possible, attend concerts, celebration assemblies or other school events.

  • Sign up to Class Dojo (school’s messaging app) and Parent Pay (for online payments).

  • Keep regular communication with the school, reading and responding when necessary to all letters / messages / emails that are sent home.




  • Support the child’s learning and help them achieve through co-operation, dedication and mutual respect.

  • Develop our school values and identity through values-based learning.

  • Endeavour to give appropriate help and support for any Special needs.

  • Encourage the children to keep to the school rules and expectations.

  • Care and respect the school environment.

  • Promote positive, supportive values throughout all aspects of school life.




  • Follow all the School Rules and expectations.

  • Respect other children’s culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.

  • Read daily to build knowledge of vocabulary.

  • Complete home learning work set and on time.

  • Be polite, kind and helpful to others and uphold the school values.

  • Arrive at school on time, in full uniform, properly equipped for the day.

  • Work as hard as possible in every lesson.

  • Listen carefully, and move around school in a calm, quiet way.

  • Tell an adult if anything is worrying me.




  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness and inform parents/carers of any concerns which affect their child’s behaviour or learning.

  • Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to one another, regardless or gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and need.

  • Set differentiated and achievable home learning to extend the curriculum and provide the opportunity for independent learning. Clear information will be provided so that you will be able to help your child if required.

  • Encourage your child to become an active member within our community and help them to see that they can have an impact on the world around them.

  • Implement all policies for the delivery of the highest quality education, underpinned by Values.

  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is subject to regular review, to meet the holistic needs of each individual child’s wellbeing, mental health and academic needs.

  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building strong relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.

  • Treat children fairly at all times and listen to them.

  • Keep you informed about general school matters and offer opportunities to discuss your child’s progress in particular.

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